Sunday, 10 May 2015

Of course grepping logs is terrible!

There has been a heated discussion on LinuxFR¹ about a blog article “Grepping logs is terrible” whose author strongly advocates in favour of binary log storage solutions, which perform consistently better than text log storage solutions in any regards. The author, whose name remains undisclosed², presents himself as an experienced system administrator and gives a fair account of the arguments usually presented by tenants of the text log storage faction.

This author is definitely right in asserting that binary log storage solutions perform better than text log storage solutions. This is in some sense, totally obvious, and discussing this alternative from a performance perspective misses an important point, that I would like to discuss here.

Our author is a professional system administrator and he, of course, has to work with astronomical quantities of data and to make as much sense out of this data as possible. The numbers he can infer from log-analysis give the pulse of the system. How fast he can get to relevant information has a direct incidence on the time he needs to accomplish basic tasks in his work. How easy it is to retrieve log records satisfying complex criterions determines how fast he can diagnose and repair system malfunctions. As a professional, he has to pick and use tools matching his needs.

As the title of his article suggests it “grepping logs is terrible” but it necessarily is, for grep is a generic tool which can be used in many other contexts than log exploration! Any specialised research tool has to be better than grep, otherwise what would be the point of writing and using it? Most Unix users are not system administrators or do not have requirements similar to our author, and they occasionally need to interact with the logs. For these users, being able to interact with the logs using generic tools they possibly already know is more convenient than having to use a random dedicated command. And even if by any wonder they had hundreds of gigabytes to analyse one time, it would be acceptable to do this in half an hour with grep rather than in a few minutes with a specialised tool because this is a one-time operation.

Our author is therefore obviously right in his statement, as he merely observes that specialised tools perform better than generic tools.

The promise made by Unix systems to represent as many data as possible as text files implies that the user who learns the generic tools to analyse and transform text³ will be able to use them on any kind of data, because after all, these are text. This is also the promise that time spent to learn these tools is time well spent, because they can be used in a variety of contexts, not only the context which triggered the need to learn them. These tools are generic and are incredibly useful at prototyping systems, which can then be implemented in a more robust or efficient manner. The scenario where the system administrator observes that his system has reached a scale where grep does not perform well enough to let him do his work efficiently is just an occurence of a prototype needing a perennial implementation. And this is the Unix way, which has nothing to do with a silly war between fanatical text and binary factions, which unfortunately caught our author under its fire.

¹ A site similar to Slashdot for French speakers.
² Actually, it is Gergely Nagy!
³ Let us mention grep, sed, awk, sort, join and paste as some of the most important.